March 29th, 2023

Disaster Detective Saiga – Review

So I played this on a whim and didn’t have high hopes for it thinking it’d be another otaku pandering mess and…

It’s not.

It’s a funny (however short) comedy detective game with Lovecraftian/Cryptid plots. I really enjoyed it. The ending itself comes out of nowhere.

I will get out of the way the problems I had with it:
Namely a 10yo girl is constantly saying that she and Tendo are going to get married.
Tendo Saiga is 29…
Tendo however doesn’t even acknowledge it at all, doesn’t even comment on it and ignores it.
That girl also hates Hin Rei because she’s the new sidekick and thus horning in on her territory. Really they could have done without any of that and it would have improved the game a lot.

The only other problems was the text run on. But I could overlook that.

After all that it’s a nice fun comedy adventure in a town that is plagued by Lovecraftian creatures. None of the creatures use Lovecraftian names however, which is a bit of a relief. There’s also no talks about “sanity” or any of that after seeing these creatures. For Tendo, cryptids are just the norm.
There was also no gross sexualization of Hin Rei or any of the other women. Save one, and even then only slightly, and then the reaction of Tendo well.. spoiler and humorous. Not gross.
That all being said I found the whole experience a but short. It’s mostly voiced? There are parts that are fully voice and other parts that are just a catchphrase. I appreciated having the voices.
I was left wanting more and felt that I had only experienced one chapter of a trilogy game, instead of a whole game.

I would definitely check the game out if you are looking for a lighthearted visual novel.

March 6th, 2023

Atelier Totori DX – Review

This isn’t a good game.
The ending that the whole game builds up to is a big disappointment. Even after that the game keeps going and overstays it’s welcome.
Totori’s teacher is Rorona. If you know fansubs from the 90s you know how bad a copy of a copy is and Rorona is no different. She still acts like a child (for all the pedotaku) and is honestly a bad teacher. So Totori just ends up as Rorona 2.0. Her personality is almost carbon copy.
Another problem I found with the game is that if your on PC and pay for the Cici/Iksel characters you won’t be able to use them until the end of the game. The PS3 version however doesn’t have this problem. So what’s the point of them?
Also the homonculus system shows up way late in the game and requires pies to make work. Both taking time an resources away from your other tasks since you can only buy 10 pies at a time and you can’t register pies. Also the 5th Chim is locked behind an event that hasn’t even triggered for me yet.
The character storylines are honestly boring and you really only learn what you see.
Sterk isn’t that scary and is still searching for Gio
Marc likes robots… that’s his whole thing
Melvia is a crappy adventurer that wears gross clothing because “it’s easy to move around in!” yeah none of the men wear stuff like that so it’s just a garbage excuse. Also for how strong she is, she has no muscles. She’s just wank fuel for cumbrains.
Gino hits Totori after she’s stronger than him so I just cut him off. Fuck an abuser.

The other characters I didn’t bother with. Either because I couldn’t get to them in time Cici/Iksel or that they were just uninteresting.

We find out that Totori’s mother is dead after she fought with the Evil Face in the tower and lost twice. This of course is because women can’t do anything without men and is punished for even trying. It’s a fucking downer of an ending and also gross. Thi just tanked whatever interest I had in the game at all. They try to make up for it by have a “cute girl” that stows away on the ship but I didn’t give a flying fuck about her.

TL;DR: Disappointing ending. Easily skippable in the series, will also take your money and not let you use the characters you bought until end game.

May 3rd, 2021

Reel Fishing: Roadtrip Adventure Playlist


May 3rd, 2021

Period Cube – Review

This game just love to force things on the MC that she never asks for, but of course accepts it because she’s such a doormat.

Of course the MC has convenient amnesia and needs a MAAAN to fill her in on what happened.

I was hoping that it would be a decent game about MMOs and stuff like Sword Art, but not here. The MC is completely useless unless the plot calls for it. She can’t do anything herself and needs men to save her. Even the 14 year old boy is stronger than her and it’s pretty bad.

Like she rationalizes because he was trying to keep his promise it’s OK that he’s a murderer/rapist. When you look at it, it’s basically what Shiki wants and nothing about what she wants at all, but she just goes with it for no real reason.

The ending is of course a “reset time and none of this stuff ever happened” bullshit. Almost like what was the point of playing the game.

Let’s also talk about the incest going on. It’s stated he loved her the minute he saw her. At the end of Shiki’s route you can see they meet when she’s not even old enough to form words.

And the ultimate insult is the harem ending is the BAD ending. Women can’t even have an ending where they get all the guys and are happy like males are catered to all the damn time. The MC is then punished of course by being raped by her own brother.

THe best routes out of all of this are Libera, Radius and to a degree Astrum. The rest go way over the line. Zain was a good candidate for being a good one, but the writers decided to toss in the Demento shit and make him evil.

May 3rd, 2021

Collar X Malice – Review

Let’s feel bad about a pedo rapist and bring him flowers despite the fact he kidnapped and abused a 9 year old girl and a 16 year old boy.

This whole game is “be nice to the oppressors and they’ll be nice to you”

This game also sets it up that people will regret the “crimes” they have done. Rapists and serial killers don’t regret their crime, only that they get caught.

Yoshinari is too cute for this game.

Yoshinari is so cute… pity you can’t date him. That and Mochida. Gotta have all the trash men available.

Of course the MC is a police officer, yet is constantly hesitating and getting knocked out and kidnapped.

Ultimately it falls on the shoulders of the oppressed to “stop the circle of hatred”. Which is bullshit.

The problem that this game throws out is the same you hear from “All Lives Matter” fuckers. They put all crime on the same level and then play the “Well, if you are going to shoot a person that is a murderer, you should shoot a person that was committing a victimless crime.”
It doesn’t work like that, but this game wants you to sympathize with murderers and rapists because “All Lives Matter” When, no they fucking don’t. There are some people that deserve death for their crimes because they have harmed innocent people, or enslaved them, driven them away from their homes. Rich people, rapists, pedophiles, homicidal men, cops…

It ignores the power structure in play and waves it away as “well it was too bad, BUT YOU SHOULDN’T KILL” Like, “Fuck no. They could have saved someone but because police/money they didn’t so that person deserves revenge.” Of course this game throws a lot of fucking strawmen into the mix as well.

Yeah I’d say skip this otome game. It’s cop propaganda, it’s pro-oppressors propaganda. That whole “These people were abused to death, but don’t hate the person that did it to them because they are a person to and deserve to live a happy life because human” bullshit.

And now let’s have sympathy for a pedophile rapist. “Oh no I destroyed someone’s life!” and of course she’s all scared and shit because she was saved from a pedo-rapist, because we can’t EVER hate rapists as women ever. They always have to be ‘brought to justice’ in a system that fucking hates women and let’s them get away with raping and murdering women all the fucking time.

Murder those raping shits. Give no fucks.

There’s also the man that saves the woman in a violent way that traumatizes her UNTIL she finds out that he was saving her from a rapist or something and of course falls madly in love with him.

I hate how in these games the woman can’t remember anything and it’s usually a trauma. Then of course later on she needs a man to remember that trauma and “work through it” as he’s related to it some how. Basically save her from it.
Also that the man will sometimes erase her memories “for her own good” yet will be the one to remember things.

Then there’s Idea Factories obsession of having a man lock a woman away “for her own good” and it being played off as romantic……… (7’s Scarlet, Collar X Malice and Amnesia I’m looking at you also Diabolik Lovers is all of this and more)

I really hate the whole idea that oppressed people should just keep their heads down and keep going forward and aren’t entitled to justice as that would be ‘criminal’ as the justice system has failed them.

I hate that the game outright states that you cannot sympathize with a murderer. Even if the person murdered in self defense or that they exacted their own justice to those that murdered their family and got away with it because they were affluent.
It’s like, miss me with that shit.

Protag tells Shiraishi that’s it’s demeaning being pat on the head like a kid (which is why I hate seeing it in other anime things as ‘cute’) and of course he doesn’t stop and she doesn’t stop him. UGGGGHHHHHHH Protag set your boundaries and enforce them. Doing that just tells other players that they are supposed to just let men do whatever they want because ‘cute’. It’s not cute it’s DEMEANING!

This is the Touma route of Collar X Malice. Now because people are trash talking him our protag is going to go all soft and “OHhh I didn’t realize he had it soooo bad” and make an effort to talk to someone who was about to rape her. Gods ugh.. I hate that I have to complete this route to get more of the base story and to open the next route.

Yeah Mochida, because a rapist brings gifts he’s “not the worst”! GROSS! Who OKed this fucking storyline. Also that’s the way men really are. Don’t give two shits about women.

Also if you hate the guy don’t accept his gifts. Since it’s food just give it to Mochida. Also fuck you Idea Factory for thinking characters like this are SOOoooOOo romantic. They aren’t.

Noooo protag, don’t spend any energy on this shitbag. This is what men do, let you waste all the energy while they get all the reward.

“He treats me like garbage, but because he likes cats he’s a nice guy” NOOOoo people can like animals and be complete and utter trash.

And now it’s time for Shiraishi the misogynist and me the woman who has to bring out his “true” self all the while he calls me stupid and condescends to me.

Enomoto is probably going to be my fave romance, only because he’s the least squick inducing.
He’s the cute one and I DO like that he asks for a kiss rather than just “stealing” it. He’s also awkward in romantic situations so he feels ‘safe’. Unlike the other two.

When a woman decides a man’s future, she’s evil.
When a man decided a woman’s future, she should be grateful. =_ =

So it’s OK for a police officer to make up charges and destroy people’s lives, but when he’s executed for it, because you knew him, suddenly it’s a tragedy.
Ever think he may have deserved it?
This game is hard to play as it makes the police out to be ultimately good even though the plot is about people being murdered because they got away with crime. Especially police officers.

The only reason the public would think a bastard cop’s death was “wrong” is if the media spun it like a tragedy like they always do and that people are just so fucking brainwashed thinking cops are hero’s because they saved someone’s puppy that one time.

In the end people had to die before the police even considered restructuring. So, ADONIS, in the end, was correct in what they did.

Rika Sugawara is played up to be “hysterical” in wanting to ‘kill all men’. To me however she seems quite rational.

Also the writers have no idea how people act online. People know about bugs in games and stuff and one bug isn’t enough for everyone to turn on someone.