December 23rd, 2023

Why Linux is NOT an answer (But it could be)

People thinking that Linux will solve all the issues with Windows 11. However the common consumer doesn’t even know Linux exists sometimes.

TL;DR: There needs to be ONE Linux flavor to rule them all (Debian seems to be the top one), run Windows programs without flaws, have superior driver support for things like VR, needs to be simple and baby, and the community needs to not be whiny techbros.

The problem with Linux is that it can’t do Windows games. yes Proton exists and helps, but it can’t do games with nProtect and other DRM garbage.
Linux can’t do drivers for popular tools. I know the VR especially Oculus support is very much lacking and/or broken. Not even sure my LeapMotion will work.

Proton isn’t an option because I’m betting it’s not a “One click install and works”. Which is what the average user of Windows 10/11 needs. The culture of Linux is also one of “Well they just need to learn CLI and how to do it!” This turns people off and makes Linux look like an arrogant “hobby project”.

Another of what’s bad is all the Linux flavors. Too many and the various setup guides for people that might want to switch are for that flavor. NPM, Yum, Apt-get? If it doesn’t work on their flavor then they just toss it all as ‘too hard’. You want this program? Run a Docker instance? What’s that? Here’s a wall of text and even then it’s not 1 click install.

I too suffer from this. Look to see how to upgrade/fix/install a program and it’s written for Red Hat, Arch or some other flavor. I hate to say there needs to be one flavor and it needs to be stuck to, but that’s why people use Windows. Windows is Windows is Windows. (I know there’s a difference but installing on all windows is the same)

Why do all these Linux people assume that the common consumer understands how to get and install Linux? Most people I know don’t even know how to turn Windows Updates off since it’s a more involved process now.

In regards to people going to throw their computer away when it’s no longer supported.
If the computer can’t be upgraded and isn’t supported by software devs, then they consider it effectively “Obsolete” and they “Need a new computer”. So they shove the one they have in the dump and go buy a new one.

I’ve seen my parents do this before when the computer starts just slowing down. Toss the old, get a new.

Then we get into the Linux community itself which has treated new users with hostility and “RTFM”. Windows users don’t RTFM. Yes they want it babyfed to them and there’s nothing wrong with that. They want to “1 click install, 1 click upgrade” and having a Mint install eat itself alive to where I had to format and reinstall IS NOT AN OPTION. You can’t have a catastrophic failure like that and telling people to “Backup before update” is only for people who have the luxury of money for extra storage and cloud. (Let’s not even talk about the misogyny and racism that goes on)

Yeah I want to see Linux as a defacto too, but like.. the community around it has got to change and there needs to be a flavor you can install no probs..

September 29th, 2021

Harem anime is always bad.

There is no harem anime that is good. By it’s nature of being about a man collecting women as sexual suitors it’s misogynistic garbage from the beginning. You can try to rationalize that one is “good” because it doesn’t have this or that, but it’s still shit. I will say there are shows can “do it better” bit it’s still a shit pie.

There is no harem anime that is good. By it’s nature of being about a man collecting women as sexual suitors it’s misogynistic garbage from the beginning. You can try to rationalize that one is “good” because it doesn’t have this or that, but it’s still shit.
Also reverse harem/man harem doesn’t have ecchi. Period. Because none of the men are sexualized or objectified. Ecchi (H) -> Hentai -> Requires sexualization. Women are taught to not objectify men and to even avert their eyes of the male form. They are fed abs up “sexy” art. And because men have an aversion to dicks, women are taught not to want to see the dick because then that would mean art featuring possible outlines of dicks. “Nobody wants to see that!” Except fooor gay men.
You want to see men being sexualized? Look at gay art. The most I see of gay art out in meatspace is…. abs up “sexy art”. To see the “good” stuff you have to go looking for it. It is otherwise suppressed.

Two women with large breasts pressing themselves against each other, glancing sideways at the camera? On the cover of that anime over there. Multiple women wearing lingerie leaning against and even wrapping their arms around each other.. Victoria’s Secret has you covered.

So why is it the lesbians I know more or less want to see the exact same thing straight men want to see, but straight women somehow want a more chaste looking man compared to gay men? The answer is right there!
(“But straight men don’t want a tall built woman!!!11” *points to lady Dimetrscu who was quick to be called the “Steppy Weppy Dommy Mommy”*)

This also ties into the face that female characters even if they aren’t human, has to look always look human. There are very few female characters where the face is covered, and in those cases you can believe the body is going to be of a 20 something year old woman. That is if it isn’t looking YOUNGER.
On the other hand women are taught to love male characters that don’t even look human at all. Beauty and Beast is a good example. It’s like a training fable for young women because most were married off against their wished because women are property. Harem anime keep that fact alive by making women “collectable” and “interchangeable”. Tsundere, Kuudere, Yandere, are all flavors of women (girls mostly let’s be real hear). Yes men come in those flavors, but remember men are people so the story is going to center the man. In harem anime the story… centers the man and the women are just there to help it along in some way.
Our world is fucked and things associated with women are tailored to serve and not upset men.