November 3rd, 2018

Silent Hill – Review

So, I’m not getting what’s so good about this game. It kills off every woman in the story and even Harry’s wife ahead of time. You can save Sybil, however that’s not really considered canon.

It’s the same story every other horror game seems to have. We have a male, always a male, who has lost his wife/GF/daughter maybe all three and is plunged into this hell world with “sexy nurses” wearing outfits from 50 years ago as modern nurses wear scrubs, zombies or zombie adjacents, insects and “abominations”. Basically regular humans with some deformities. Also there will be a hospital of some sort.
There will be female characters however all of them will die by the end.

This game is no exception. Saving a woman is considered an “extra” ending as if you shouldn’t go out of your way to do it. We have the daughter, that dies, the teenage girl that’s suffering, that dies, the “sexy nurse” that of course dies. The mom/parent dies and the cop you meet at the beginning dies. Then at the “good” end you are left with a baby. I like the bad end, where Harry is dead and it was all his misogynistic dying dream.

Of course this isn’t the last Silent Hill game to be made. I’m honestly glad that Kojima didn’t get to make his misogynistic ode to the series.

November 12th, 2012

[Labyrinth Action!] 小さな巨人ミクロマン (Chiisana Kyojin Microman)


November 20th, 2011

When Games are Changed → (Other Life) Azure Dreams

Many people I know have played a little game from around the 1997 era known as “Azure Dreams”. Some people will quip that it was the best game on the PSX of that genre and other will counter with “PSX? Wasn’t it on the GBC?” and both parties will be right.

I’ve played both versions of the game and enjoyed it for the most part. I do have issues with the dating part of the game and the subsequent misogyny that goes on with that aspect (damsel in distress, bathing suit scene, harem, etc.) however you can tend to ignore most of that and enjoy the monster taming mystery dungeon aspect. The GBC version has less of that as they took out most of the dating aspect and actually put in more dungeon to explore.

However the one on the PSX didn’t come to the United States intact. Many people will gloss over the changes by saying that only the voices were taken out however that wasn’t the only change made to the game. The reasons for these other changes are a bit puzzling to me, especially the Monster Book graphics. True the way it was arranged accommodated the Western text layout, but the other graphics?

From the two videos below (Lord Smapy’s Let’s Play of the game is being used for comparison) you can see that the intro was devoiced completely and cropped a little at the bottom (feet get chopped off). The title screen back ground and title font were changed completely. Other noticeable changes were the changing of the angel in the beginning a new angel was made and animated and the graphics on the Monster Book were also changed.
