October 22nd, 2012

Liking Problematic Things Pt I

I’ve been analyzing the statement “As a feminist it’s OK to like problematic things” however then my brain runs aground on the paying companies to make problematic things. To me I think it should be, “It’s OK to like problematic things as long as those problems don’t (keep) get(ting) funded” :P I mean that’s where I have the problem. People paying full price for such problematic thing. I see it as dog training, you don’t give a treat to a dog before it does the trick, you give it to the dog after. So giving the full price to company is telling them “It’s OK to do this” VS buying it in the bargain bin, used, downloaded, etc whatever media it is. I guess that the part rubbing me the wrong way, the funding of problematic stuff. If your buying problematic thing at full price, you aren’t sending any kind of message, other than they can make problematic thing and get the hefty profit for it. If you tell the dog to sit and it’s not sitting, why are you rewarding it?
If it’s bargain binned or used, they aren’t quite going to get any more money from it as retailer won’t stock the thing, and in the case of used, they don’t see ANY more money.

You’d give them the full price when they release the media without the problematic things. Like after the dog has done the trick you reward it. So you tell company to “stop doing problematic things and you’ll get all of the money”. That’s fair IMO. ._.

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